After transferring to the Fine Art program at Otis for a semester, I decided to take some time off from school to explore my artistic sensibilities. I started researching artists, and topics that I found interesting and collecting imagery.
After two years of over saturating myself with photography, film, literature, art, and the Internet, I then started to combine my interests to make drawings, paintings and collage work. I started by taking photos of friends of mine to serve as reference for the drawings, and then began to work again. Specifically, I began to create a group of work which focused on the BBW culture. I had no expectations or wants in starting this project, besides exploring a topic that I was interested in through drawing. It was also at this time that I felt like I was ready to return to school and complete my BFA. So with BBWs in hand I began my senior year at Otis, to explore the Big Ladies and beyond!

This was the first try. I didn't know what medium I wanted to use, so I tried a bunch: pencil, gouache, watercolor, charcoal, crayon and pen. And the result was a big 'ol mess. I really liked this pose so I redid this lady several times. (That's what she said.)

Here's another example of my obsessive nature. The first try I was attempting to expand on the idea of putting the figure in a space. The result was the background was too overwhelming and the figure gets lost in the space, so it was redone with a different background concept.

Here's some of the other Ladies.

Here they are in the gallery space for my Senior show. They looked so much more majestic in my small studio space. :-(

Acts 16:31, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 1 Peter 1:17-21, Revelation 22:18-19