Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where to Begin?

Well, I have so much to share with yall, I don't even know where to begin. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. I've always known since I was just a behbeh that I wanted to be an artist. But being an artist isn't just about being a skilled technician, it takes years of observance, with some successes and a s*** ton of failures. This is not an easy road, but I wouldn't travel any other way.
Here's some things I did when I was a youngin:

On the back of this paper my mom wrote the year, date and my name. According to this, I was two years old. I believe this to be my first attempt at portraiture.

In these next few I think I'm exploring the range of human (and animal) emotions.

My mom accused me of tracing the Big Bird, (like that Mad Men episode with Betty Draper and her son), saying that it was "dishonest to trace a picture because it's someone else's work." While I do remember having a reference picture, I distinctly remember being offended that she thought it was traced, because it was not...So there!


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